Timeline of Events

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1500s and 1600s

Between 6th and 5th centuries BC: Approximate writing of the Book of Genesis [16] [61] ; Approximately 8 CE: The Metamorphoses, Ovid [136]


Art Piece: Circular Dish with Phoenix-and-Cloud Decor, Chinese, Jiajing period, 1522-1566 [26]

Scientific Paper: A Production of Amino Acids under Possible Primitive Earth Conditions [124]

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1543: First printing of Copernicus’ On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres [44]


Art Piece: The Planets: Saturn, Petrus Firens, 17th Century [142]

Paper: Long-term integrations and stability of planetary orbits in our Solar system [82]

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1551-1558 and 1587: Conrad Gesner’s History of the Animals published [33]


Art Piece: [Mosaic Pavement with Birds, from Feleet Village Building, Roman, 4th-5th Century CE [157]

Paper: [Review: Animal Taxonomy: Theory and Practice] [165]

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1620: Francis Bacon’s Novum Organum published [133]


Art Piece: Sketch for “The Discoverer” Fresco, Assembly Chamber, State Capitol, Albany, New York, William Morris Hunt, 1878 [158]

Paper: Meta-research: Evaluation and Improvement of Research Methods and Practices [81]

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1618-1621: Printing of Johannes Kepler’s Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae [96]


Art Piece: The Seven Planets, Johann Sadeler I, Netherlandish, c. 1585 [86]

Paper: GW Ori: circumtriple rings and planets [69]

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1667: Nicolas Steno dissects the head of a shark and publishes his findings [129]


Art Piece: Youth Saved from a Shark, Valentine Green after John Singleton Copley, 1779 [191]

Paper: Tooth morphology elucidates shark evolution across the end-Cretaceous mass extinction [185]

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1668-1704: John Ray’s Historia Plantarum published [154]


Art Piece: A Serpentine Plant (Ophioxylum Serpentinum), Aert Schouman, 18th Century [4]

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1733-1734: Alexander Pope’s Essay on Man published [144]


Art Piece: Nude Male, for “Sadak…”, and Seated Figure; verso: Figure and Animal Sketches, William Rimmer, 1867-1868 [202]

Paper: How scientists perceive the evolutionary origin of human traits: Results of a survey study [186]

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1735: First edition of Carl Linnaeus’ Systema Naturae printed in the Netherlands [109]


Art Piece: Stamp Seal in the Shape of a Recumbent Bull: Two Dogs?, Mesopotamian, c. 3100-2900 BCE [119]

Paper: The integrative future of taxonomy [137]

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1776: The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith is published [163]


Art Piece: Forty Litrae of Syracuse, Greek, 344 BCE-335 BCE [67]

Paper: Increasing returns, monopolistic competition, and international trade [101]

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1788: James Hutton’s paper Theory of the Earth printed, introduces uniformitarianism [113]


Art Piece: Rocky Mountains, “Lander’s Peak”, Albert Bierstadt, 1863 [5]

Paper: Uniformitarianism. An Inquiry into Principle, Theory, and Method in Geohistory and Biohistory [161]

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1794: Erasmus Darwin, Charles Darwin’s grandfather, publishes Zoonomia [203]


Art Piece: Three Recumbent Animals on a Plaque, Near Eastern, 9th-7th century BCE [128]

Paper: The Early “Evolution” of “Punctuated Equilibria” [51]

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1798: Thomas Malthus’ An Essay on the Principle of Population is published anonymously; Malthus is later revealed to be the author [184] [115]


Art Piece: Government, City: United States: Social Conditions, United States: Census of 1900: Proportion of Urban to Total Population, by States and Territories, at each Census., Unidentified Artist, c. 1903 [188]

Paper: Population, poverty and economic development [162]

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1802: William Paley’s work, Natural Theology is published, giving the famous “Divine Watchmaker” analogy [68] [139]


Art Piece: Carved Tall-Case Hall Clock with Pendulum, Dutch, 18th Century [50]

Paper: A fairytale creation or the beginning of everything: Students’ pre-instructional conceptions about the Big Bang theory [11]

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1809: Jean-Baptiste Lamarck’s Philosophie Zoologique is published [83]


Art Piece: Giraffes, John Bernard Flannagan, 20th Century [90]

Paper: Lamarckism and epigenetic inheritance: a clarification [111]

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1816-1817: Georges Cuvier’s The Animal Kingdom published [37]


Art Piece: Sketches of Skeletons: An Animal and Hunchback, Ferdinand-Victor-Eugène Delacroix, c. 1829-1830 [57]

Paper: Evolution of the vertebrate skeleton: morphology, embryology, and development [72]

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1830: Charles Lyell’s Principles of Geology published [112]


Art Piece: Untitled (rock formation), Brett Weston, 1960 [20]

Paper: Building mountain biodiversity: Geological and evolutionary processes [153]

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1844: Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation is published anonymously; the author is later revealed to be Robert Chambers [194]


Art Piece: Head of a Bearded Man, Michelangelo, 15th-16th century [122]

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1858: Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace jointly publish On the tendency of species to form varieties; and on the perpetuation of varieties and species by natural selection [39] [41]


Art Piece: Wisdom Triumphing over Death, Evil, and Vice, Bernart Prooijs, 1594 [14]

Paper: The origin and early evolution of mitochondria [66]

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1859: Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species is published [40]


Art Piece: The Summons, Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze, 1856 [52]

Paper: Origin and evolution of the adaptive immune system: genetic events and selective pressures [59]

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1869: Friedrich Miescher isolates “nuclein” from cell nuclei [1] [29]


Art Piece: Alchemist’s Laboratory, André Louis Victor Texier, 19th Century [10]

Paper: Friedrich Miescher and the discovery of DNA [38]

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1900s to now

1928: Frederick Griffith’s showed a “transforming principle,” setting the stage for more inquiry into the building blocks of life [169] [47]


Art Piece: Two Women Transforming into Trees (Daphne and Myrna?), Stefano Della Bella, 1647 [166]

Paper: A Transforming Principle [58]

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1943: Erwin Schrodinger discusses that genetic material most likely resembles an “aperiodic crystal” [175]


Art Piece: Conical Shape. Crystal of Said Hippuric Acid Compound, Carl Struwe, 1927 [21]

Paper: What did Erwin mean? The physics of information from the materials genomics of aperiodic crystals and water to molecular information catalysts and life [192]

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1944: The Avery–MacLeod–McCarty experiment shows that DNA is the “transforming principle” [2] [30]


Art Piece: Cybele Transforms the Ships of Aeneas into Sea Nymphs, Johann Wilhelm Baur, c. 1640 [87]

Paper: Studies on the Chemical Nature of the Substance Inducing Transformation of Pneumococcal Types [12]

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1951-1953: Watson, Crick, Wilkins, and Franklin investigate the structure of DNA; the structure is eventually revealed to be an antiparallel double helix, with Watson and Crick publishing their notable paper in 1953 [196] [17]


Art Piece: Breakthrough, Denis-Auguste-Marie Raffet, 1835 [46]

Paper: Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids: A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid [196]

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1959: Karl Popper’s The Logic of Scientific Discovery published [147]


Art Piece: Discovery of the Remains of Raphael in the Pantheon in Rome, Stéphane Pannemaker, 19th Century [167]

Paper: The most important application of science [159]

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1961: The Nirenberg and Matthaei experiment deciphers the first codon in genetic code [170]


Art Piece: Discovery of the Golden Fleece, René Boyvin, 16th Century [155]

Paper: The dependence of cell-free protein synthesis in E. coli upon naturally occurring or synthetic polyribonucleotides [132]

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1962: Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions is published [104]


Art Piece: Allegory in Honor of the Roman College, Claude Mellan, 17th Century [28]

Paper: Socioeconomic gaps in science achievement [15]

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1973: Theodosius Dobzhansky’s essay Nothing in Biology Makes Sense except in the Light of Evolution is published [49]


Art Piece: View of the subterranean foundation of the mausoleum, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, 18th Century [64]

Paper: Nothing in Biology Makes Sense except in the Light of Evolution [49]

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2020: Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for CRISPR [106]


Art Piece: Chemistry Building, Brookhaven National Lab, Per Brandin, 1978 [141]

Paper: A programmable dual-RNA-guided DNA endonuclease in adaptive bacterial immunity [85]

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