1961: The Nirenberg and Matthaei experiment deciphers the first codon in genetic code [170]


Art Piece: Discovery of the Golden Fleece, René Boyvin, 16th Century [155]

Paper: The dependence of cell-free protein synthesis in E. coli upon naturally occurring or synthetic polyribonucleotides [132]

After we elucidated the transforming principle, then found that it was DNA, and then identified the double helix structure of DNA, it was then time to find what comprises genetic code, and how the mechanics of genetic code contribute to other concepts. Notably, the basic idea of the Nirenberg and Matthaei experiment was succinctly summarized by Nirenberg himself [131] as “If one could establish the base sequence in one of the cell’s genes — or part of a gene — and correlate it with the amino acid sequence in the protein coded by that gene, one would be able to translate the genetic code.” Thus is the basis for the experiment here [19], “Matthaei added synthetic RNA (UUU or poly U) made of only one of the four bases—uracil (U)—to each of [20 test tubes] and found unusual activity in one of the tubes containing the “hot” amino acid phenylalanine. The uracil had given the phenylalanine instructions.” Nirenberg and Matthaei showed that messenger RNA transcribes genetic information from the basis of DNA, which therefore directs the assembly of amino acids, which are encoded into codons which comprise proteins. This was a significant finding, and was a monumental paradigm shift as it allowed us to better understand how the other building blocks of organic life come to be. Notably, the artwork above [155], “Discovery of the Golden Fleece,” is relevant here for the similar atmospheres of discovery — the mythology [79] of Jason and the Golden Fleece details a hero’s journey, where the Golden Fleece essentially transformed life. Here in the case of the Nirenberg and Matthaei experiment, their work showed how mRNA was transformed (transcribed and and translated, more specifically) into protein. Both the artwork and the experiment here depict a transformation of the current status quo, a transformation which was very consequential to the future. Moreover, the scientific article above [132] is that of Nirenberg and Matthaei’s, detailing their experimental methods and results of how mRNA is eventually transformed into protein. This was a large paradigm shift, with this experiment being the basis for so much science in the future.